Fruitfulness - Result of leaving the house of fear

Fear is in abundance in our lives.  It comes slowly, fast, with pictures and with words.  It comes on social media, texts, news sources, phone conversations ... it is everywhere.

It is a house we constantly live in if we are not careful.  As fear/anxiety is used to control us.  There are real and constant dangers lived in situations I cannot imagine.  I do not write about them here.

But you can leave the house of fear, if you choose to.  It starts with making the decision that you need to be free each day. It is deciding to choose love.

You will be tempted to return.  Literally everyone around you and social system has built in fear traps.  But if you begin to recognize when you are drawn into a fear conversation or belief, you can remove yourself.  Limit your social media, your news intake and evaluate those "friends" who primarily speak about fear

Once you have limited your "fear/anxiety" environment then begin to recognize how you are inviting fear back in.  Watch your language on how you evaluate possibilities and how you have been tempted to be "realistic."  

Even now as you read this you are thinking but how can I abandoned the real life and not have preparedness for fearful events?   You can't abandoned the real life, but you can live it without fear.
One thought I will ask you to think about today.  One I am thinking about today.  What decisions do I need to make today?  What if I make that decision not out of fear but love?

Peace to you,
Rev. Georgia


Thank you for these words of wisdom.