Dear friends,
I should have probably warned you about an additional problem that happens every time someone considers doing something for Jesus Christ.."Drowners"- people who will sabotage you in your decision that you have made. These "Drowners" come in very direct forms saying comments to you such as:
-How can you consider leaving your children while going to Peru?
-Don't you know there are many people in ..."Topeka, Oakland, Kansas ...etc." that need your help?
-Couldn't you just send your money?
Then there are the indirect 'Drowners" saying these things:
-Did you hear that in Lima there is a high rate of crime?
-Or about the new story of the missionary who died in the bus accident in rural Guatemala?
I call these folks "Drowners" because they are drowning your baptism calls. All of us who are baptized are called to go into the world and make disciples of all people (Matthew 28:19-20). We are to follow Jesus' steps and love our neighbor. The "Drowners" want you to not do this or at least do it their way. Which frankly is wrong, because God calls all of us with our unique gifts to serve where we are called despite what people say around us.
So my friends if you find yourself surrounded by "Drowners" remember so was Jesus. There were many who wanted him to be their definition of the Messiah. They wanted him to lead the fight into Jerusalem against those Romans and when he didn't do what they wanted, they looked for ways to eliminate him (John 11:45-48). They didn't want him to "waste" his time with children (Matthew 19:13) or those who needed healed (Matthew 12:10). They tried to persuade Jesus that he shouldn't die on the cross and should not talk about it (Matthew 16:23). But Jesus kept on going and doing what God called him to do and you my friends can too. Pray deeply, speak only when necessary and delete all those "drowner" messages. Because as Jesus said in Matthew 19:26
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Peace be with you,
Pastor Georgia :)