Ways out of the Caregiving Wilderness - Way 2 Time off

I'm up at an unexpected time - 5:30 am a not so uncommon experience in my house where seizures can wake a person up - my son around the clock.  Thankfully today he is cheerful and laughing despite the early hour and lack of sleep (for me).

Caregivers are on call 24x7 and often change their plans based on who they are caregiving for.  It can't be helped we know this but for one day or half a day we would like to do something totally different.  Here is what my list looks like - sleep, read, walk, go to the movies, take a vacation far far away etc.

Step 2 out of the wilderness of caregiving - schedule some time off.  I have scheduled myself two events with other people this week.  I often have to schedule them with someone else for me to make sure I follow through.  I am going to go to the movies this weekend and having lunch with a friend.  

I have also scheduled and planned vacations years in advance.  My husband and I have taken trips to Guatemala, Australia, Peru, and Alaska without our son.  We were able to do this by planning, scheduling, and preparing.  It does take a lot of effort but it is so worth it.  You need to recharge and renew, daily, weekly, and yearly.

Peace my friends,

Our 3rd anniversary - thankfully our faces didn't freeze this way!
