
Yesterday I considered how Mary accepted the news of pregnancy even though she was young, single and in a society that meant certain death if her fiance chose to "out" her. I mulled over this idea all day and found one area of my life that matches Mary's acceptance despite the fear that trembled in my heart. - Acceptance of my son's diagnoses - Tuberous Sclerosis

Jeremiah was 24 hours old when I received the phone call about his diagnosis.  I didn't know what it meant entirely as the doctor could only tell me what could happen in generalities.  I sat there listening on the phone (Jeremiah had been transported to a different hospital) and I was scared.

Like Mary I had no idea what this meant for my baby, me or my family.  All I could do is take one day at a time. When Jeremiah turned about 3 weeks old is when I finally stopped fighting the diagnosis and accepted it.  Once I was able to accept the diagnosis I was free to love and move with grace to each day.

Here are the tools I use each day as each day begins a new challenge - or opportunity for acceptance - prayer.  I turn over all of it to God.  This prayer serves as a touchstone - a reminder that Jeremiah belongs to God and that I accept Jeremiah as he is.

Which is why you won't hear me say things like we are "fighting" Tuberous Sclerosis or the seizures, or the tumors.  I can't speak like that towards a part of Jeremiah.  I accept it as part of who he is and yes some days I still tremble with fear, but I find that the acceptance allows me to be free to love Jeremiah.  May you find acceptance of the things that bring you fear so you will be free to love.

Peace to you!
