Using all of our Gifts ... even coloring

Getting back from a mission trip is always a transition and this last one to Peru is no exception. Although I have been on many mission trips and I know this transition period is waiting for me, I still am always somewhat taken back. I guess I think I can skip this part of the mission journey due to my past experiences. Or at least it won't be as bad as the first trip...

My first overseas mission trip was to Guatemala San Juan Cotzal where I lived and worked for 5 days. On our last night I had the opportunity to visit someone's home the size of a mini van, dirt floor and 5 people lived there. The woman at this home graciously gave one of our team mates a gift to say thank you. We went up there to say thanks and I translated for the group. After we returned from there she brought me a gift as well a blue woven belt to say thank you for interpreting. When we came home from that trip I was gripped with overwhelming sadness and a conviction to speak for the poor. I promised God I would do my best and the process began for me to attend seminary and lead others to mission experiences where they could also hear God's call. I also could no longer look at my stuff driven life the same and began to unload and unload and unload!

So when coming home this time while I expected to feel some of the tiredness from the transition, I wasn't prepared for deep sadness. I believe part of it comes from the all the needs I see and feel and knowing I can do nothing about it. But mostly it comes from living in community with others in such a way that Christ brings each of us to task in a meaningful way. Each of us have gifts but they are not fully used in the churches we are at. Such is the case with this team...they are all gifted with Christ love and with gifts that show the love of Christ, yet I am guessing they are rarely called upon to use them in the church life. While in Peru we each shared our varied gifts such as plumbing, laughter, scarf juggling, craft making, wheel chair repair, holding a child's hand...every gift was used. Best of all while we were praised for the gifts we brought, we turned them back and asked them to thank God because that is why we were there.

So as I sat on my couch this morning and cried I asked God how do we help all of us use these gifts so freely in our churches? Why do we get stuck going to worship, attending (maybe) a small group class, and then going home. Why can't we break out in serving with whatever gift we have freely and joyfully? I am not sure of this answer I just am unloading these questions tonight. I ask that you might consider what are your gifts? Why are you not sharing them? What holds you back?

I can tell you what holds me back some times it is fear. Which is probably why I need to go back and study again all the passages in God's word which tell us not to be afraid.

Here is one for your journey today -
Luke 12:32-34 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

