Dusting Off Jesus

Today I was moving into my new office at the church carrying in my collection of crosses to hang on the walls. As I reached for each one I carefully dusted them and considered where to place them. One of my crucifixes required careful dusting, and as I considered how to dust off Jesus literally, I considered all that I have been hearing and learning about this church. Here I am in a new church, new town, new ministries and I have been trying hard to listen and consider where to begin in ministry. Which one item is the most crucial? There are so many yet I am only one person and cannot possibly be all that is needed. I was feeling overwhelmed with the tasks at hand...
Then I continued dusting Jesus. I remembered Jesus is all I need, all this church and all the community needs. I am just here to remind them, help them dust him off and allow Jesus to work through them. So often we put Jesus up and only get him down for the holidays. But thankfully Jesus doesn't go away he waits like a gentlemen for us to ask him back in. Thank you Jesus for being here with us and being all we need.
