I realize as the evening of Friday approached your words may have sounded "funny" or "kidding" but to me they cut like a knife.
It had been a long week of walls and walls and walls. Calling three different pharmacies to order my sons medicine. Each as we transition to a version of insurance hell - medicaid, had a reason for not filling the medications. I did not succeed in removing any of the barriers this week. Forms, faxes, phone calls and rules.
So when you explained how you could not fill out the medication either and informed me that I would need to call a physician your words stung "Maybe you'll find someone who will take pity,."
Pity? I don't believe I've ever asked for pity. 26 years of getting up between 4-5 am giving medications, nursing out of control seizures, thousands of miles visiting doctors and looking for help. Pity no, kindness and grace.
I didn't ask for pity when we fought an insurance company for surgery while my son suffered from 13 -18 seizures a day.
I didn't ask for pity when his brain tumors grew out of control.
I didn't ask for pity after hours and hours of laundry, meals, cleaning and holding a sick son.
But I would appreciate some kindness. Peace be with you, Rev. Georgia
It had been a long week of walls and walls and walls. Calling three different pharmacies to order my sons medicine. Each as we transition to a version of insurance hell - medicaid, had a reason for not filling the medications. I did not succeed in removing any of the barriers this week. Forms, faxes, phone calls and rules.
So when you explained how you could not fill out the medication either and informed me that I would need to call a physician your words stung "Maybe you'll find someone who will take pity,."
Pity? I don't believe I've ever asked for pity. 26 years of getting up between 4-5 am giving medications, nursing out of control seizures, thousands of miles visiting doctors and looking for help. Pity no, kindness and grace.
I didn't ask for pity when we fought an insurance company for surgery while my son suffered from 13 -18 seizures a day.
I didn't ask for pity when his brain tumors grew out of control.
I didn't ask for pity after hours and hours of laundry, meals, cleaning and holding a sick son.
But I would appreciate some kindness. Peace be with you, Rev. Georgia