Love yourself

A friend asked me this week how I was doing. I couldn't answer that simple question.  It took that question to help me really listen to me again. You see I am a caregiver.  And even after over 30 years of doing this I still can fail at listening to me.

As a caregiver I am totally caring for the other. So much that I cannot hear my own body speak back to me. My soul, body and mind often taken back seats. When I go to bed at night - exhausted I often do a quick listen. This helps me unload troubles I carry in my heart. Helps me to name to the Holy Spirit, and think for a moment about what is needed.

In the mornings I book end that check in after Jeremiah goes to school with a more gentle listening through reading and prayer. However this weeks schedule was interrupted by an electrical outage, ice and school cancellations.  I came to Sunday finally able to hear I'm sick.

I went to the doctor today and when they asked how long I've had this - I was embarrass to say 6 days. I knew I was sick but would not listen. I'm on the mend with antibiotics and lots of fluids.  But the next illness may not be so simple. My word for you today dear caregiver is listen to your body and to your needs. Don't wait and love yourself.

Jesus says in the book of Mark - love your neighbor as yourself.

You cannot love others without loving yourself first. 

Me loving myself this past New Year's Eve sharing my smores! 

Peace be with you!
