Can't see, can't breath, can't think...all is swirling with thoughts of what is, what will be, what could be, what...
You know the what if's. What if we run out of toilet paper before the snow melts? Okay I do know how many rolls we use a day. So perhaps I have figured this one out...see what I mean I even know how much toilet paper we use per day. Freaky!
What if's can consume your very being within a few seconds. It can without a doubt suck the oxygen out of your life to the point that you are parilyzed. I know, I've been there! And if you are a caregiver I know you have been there too.
There is only one way to pump the oxygen back in immediately - stop living in the future or past. Stop thinking of the what if's, if only's and what could be. The way to do this....
Way 3 - Being thankful. Be thankful - what a crazy idea how can I be thankful and shut that side of my brain off! Very simply, start a thankful journal, writing corner, table, pad, whatever. Here are 3 ways to be thankful, pick one and start now:
1) Create a Thank you Jar - a clear jar where you will write things you are thankful for and put them in the jar. You must write one per day. If you start thinking along the what if's line go to the jar write a thank you.
2) Create a Thank you journal - A journal that will only be filled with things you are thankful for. Try and write one every day when you get up or when you go to bed.
3) Write a thank you note to someone - Sit down and write a thank you for someone and mail it. Snail mail, or slip into their pocket, purse, etc. Everyone needs to hear how we are thankful for them and it helps us realize we are not here on this planet alone.
I try to do all 3. Number one I just started and it was a slow start. I'll confess that right now. Number 2 I've been doing for over 20 years, my journals (plural) look like the word smithing of a country western song. Here are some items from last year:
Bocce Ball, dinner last night, Melissa, Pastor Dobbs, Cork, Henry, grace, Apples, AnnMarie, DSL-CHARTER! NO COST! (I typed them above as I entered them).
Number 3 - I've done for about 4 years. Taking time to write a thank you on Mondays was my original goal, now that is just too chaotic. So now I write them on Tuesday-Thursday, and I also order thank you cards pre printed. Have you ever ordered anything on line and they ask if you want a free gift card? Well that is how I create them. I order something and ask for the gift card. I write a thank you, such as "Thank you for all you do. Gratefully, Georgia" then when the item I order comes I slip the gift card and envelop in my purse. Sometimes I add something hand written sometimes I just leave the card. I've left them in hotel rooms, or in people's hands. Either way you'll have some pre printed thank you's to give away.
As I go back and read them I, I forgot that happened, and how I was blessed. I hope you will begin a form of thankfulness right now. Honestly as I read my journals, I can't stop smiling, laughing and being grateful.
Peace to you,