I wrote this a long time ago to our team when we were experiencing the announcement of our center closing. It seemed to me today that some of you may need this reminder.
Our son Jeremiah who has Tuberous Sclerosis and is autistic knows how to celebrate life more than anyone I have ever met. He loves each day to its fullest and I would say we have many lessons to learn about life from him. Here is but one lesson.
When we ride in the car in the summer and the windows are down, Jeremiah enjoys the breeze coming into the car. Whatever is in his hand at the moment he drops. He raises his hands above his head like he is riding a roller coaster. Then he closes his eyes and laughs and the sheer enjoyment of feeling the wind and joy of the breeze on his face.
Take a moment now imagine you are in the car next to Jeremiah and drop whatever you are holding onto. Then raise your hands above your head. Feel the gentle breeze on your face and laugh. Take a long stretch and enjoy today to its fullest. You are amazing and today will bring some great joys if you will just let it go, and let God.
Have an awesome day and if anyone asks what you are doing just say Jeremiah made you do it!