Play more games ----with others!

I love playing games all kinds. In fact it is how I learned how to count - playing cards with my mom. But somehow along the way my time for playing stopped, especially playing games with others.

Today I spend way too much time playing games that are played alone - Farmville, bejewel, and even the occasional game of solitaire. So starting today I add a new goal during Lent to play more games with others.

I think of some of the people who played games with me and taught me to enjoy them - my mom, aunt Espe, Uncle John, and many more. The fun part wasn't playing the game necessarily but spending time together.

Last night I played volleyball with a group of others - I am thinking about playing more often and signing up for a league. I wasn't great last night but I had a great time!

What kind of games did you enjoy when you were young? Do you still play now?

