The last year brought a fear and coldness into people’s lives in a constant wave..unemployment, underemployment, bank closings, bankruptcy, war, bombings, etc. The fears we are hearing and experiencing in the communities in which we work and live are unrelenting and even the strongest person can easily succumb into the constant soul numbing depressing news. One way we have dealt with the fear and coldness is to slip on a cloak of angst, clutching it closer in hopes we will feel warmer and better.
Unfortunately this cloak only worsens the effects of the angst to the point that no love, or kindness can ever get through. The cloak of angst chosen over friendship, kindness, trusting chokes out any hope. It keeps all of us who are trying desperately to love you out.. We can’t sneak past or even hug you for fear of touching your precious cloak of misery.
I know how easy it is to slip into one of these cloaks as I have done it myself only to see those around me suffer greatly. When our youngest son Jeremiah was born and he was placed into intensive care and all we heard were terrible words – death, abnormal, irregular, tumor, the words formed the cloak around my heart, mind and soul until only sadness could barely choke out of me if anything at all.
Then one day I noticed my other children and husband around me also wearing their cloaks, taking their clues from me each day. I saw their sadness and it made me take my cloak off, so I could feel them close to me. We cried together, and then slowly began to laugh and notice the beauty in our new lives with our wonderful Jeremiah.
Yes many questions were still unanswered and sometimes I am tempted to place the cloak of angst back on. But then the sounds of laughter, prayers, and love surround me and remind me how blessed I am. So my friend, please remove your cloak and be free to love and receive love. And if you need help removing this cloak, call me I know Jeremiah has a hanger we can place it on.