This week we are praying for our leaders in Washington DC as we humbly walk with our Lord towards Jerusalem. I confess that as I considered the scripture this week I have not always. I have complained, whined and even considered how those who are in leadership are part of the problem. What a mistake.
I am part of the problem if I do not honor and pray for my leaders. I must admit I do not know all the answers and neither do they. But if I do not allow them to lead and explore the corners of the problem in peace I am part of the problem. The complex problems our country faces today do not need another person chirping in complaining about what is not happening. Instead I need to encourage our leaders and pray for them. Giving them room to pull out old maps and map out new paths. I am also trying to do the same in my own community of faith...trying to map out new paths with old maps.
In the picture above I am in the mountains of Peru speaking to a church community before the baptisms were about to take place. Today I am leading a small group getting read for baptism at Easter. As I lead them I pray God shows me a new path a new way to help them understand how they are beautifully gifted with the exact gifts for today's church. I pray for them to grow into the leaders God is calling them to be and I hope they will also pray for me. We must as leaders not only pray for other leaders but teach the generation following us how to lead. Setting examples of prayer, thankfullness and eagerness to serve before being served.