Micah 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Walking humbly has not shown up on my list of things to do recently. I can tell as my body has begun to rebel. Feeling not only tired by the many demands that others place on me but also by the demands I place on myself. As I read this verse a few times over and over a sense of relief came over me. What does God want on my to do list: act justly, love mercy, walk humbly - not alone but with God!
My to do list just became simpler:
Acting justly - With each action driving, eating, purchasing, my mantra "reduce reuse, recycle" helps me to remember to be just in my relationships with family, friends, the environment and my global neighbors.
Loving mercy - celebrate each act of mercy and try to be merciful myself. The child who comes to me confessing of mistakes, the friend coming for a merciful ear. How wonderful to celebrate the beauty of mercy!
Walk humbly with God - each day spending my days carefully walking in a way that shows that I am not proud, but grateful. Grateful for the way God and others have been just, merciful and loving to me. Walking humbly requires that each of my days are spent extending a humble hand. Cultivating peace where ever I am and watching carefully my assumptions that always get me in trouble.
Beginning on Ash Wednesday Feb 25th I am starting a prayer walking group for peace in our community. I will post each week on the blog what experiences we have and how God is speaking to us. I hope you join me if not physically then spiritually wherever you are. Together we can walk humbly with our God and pray for peace - in our neighborhood, the world, and our own hearts.