Today we will remember all those who have passed on in the year before during the worship service. We will remember all that they provided us and we will miss them.
The opportunity to remember them however is not just a time to grieve it is also a time of joy. A time to reflect on how they lived their lives in a way that celebrated the life of Jesus Christ. The saints we celebrate today go before us and show us how to be the church today.
You see being part of a church is not simply attending, or occasionally going to participate in meetings, or events. Being a member of a church is being fully present and sharing of all that you are and have. The act of being present is not only a sign of true membership into the church it is a spiritual gift where we demonstrate the love of others over oneself. It is a practice that if lived fully will bring peace to you and all those that are around you.
The spiritual practice of presence requires that you let go of the past, regrets, sins, thoughts all are let go so that you can be truly present in the moment. If you are able to be present, and it does take practice to learn this, you will feel greater joy, be able to feel God's presence and able to act in ways that are loving and peaceful. One way to practice this spiritual gift is to take a few minutes of time before beginning your prayer to empty your mind of all thoughts and ideas. Let them all go then pray. When you are with someone next time practice this as well. Empty all your thoughts and say a little prayer asking God to help you be present with them.
As I was learning about the saints that passed this year in our church I realized that many of them had this gift the act of being present. Living in the moment and not in the past. Sure, their lives were also ones of mundane things. They needed to get up and work, go to take care of business and come home. They had family, they had bills, issues, frustrations, and concerns. Yet they continued to reach out beyond their immediately family to care for others. This was Jesus Christ in them who taught them to care beyond themselves to reach from within and from God and share.
What can we learn from these brothers and sisters that have gone on before us about being present?
- Seize the moment - you see someone needing something take it to them.
- Spend time with children - Puppet shows, coloring, skipping, playing
- Meetings are for everyone - attend your local church meetings help make decisions
- Share your talents - making greeting cards with crochet pictures, singing, cooking
- BE PRESENT - be in the moment don't be distracted - take time to really listen
These are just some of the many lessons I have learned from the Saints who are now celebrating with Christ. I pray you and I can listen to their words of encouragement and take time be present. I also encourage you to take a moment today and reflect on the Saints that have impacted your life. Write those that are still with us and send them a thank you note. Those that have passed on write their family members letting them know how much their loved one meant to you. Then try to do one thing in their memory to show how they impacted your life.
peace be with you my friends,