What shall we do? This is the question Peter is asked after his sermon to the people on who Jesus Christ is. I find myself asking that very question each day as a follower of Jesus Christ. What shall I do? Sometimes I wish there was a script. That God would graciously let me know what is expected and how to serve each day. I know that having the script would not be best in the end, but I secretly want it!
Peter answers the people that they should repent and be baptized, and 3000 of them do. Many of us who love Jesus have indeed repented, and been baptized. The question then gets a little more difficult. Some around you will try and have you live out your life completely different. They want you to do all other sorts of things.
If you find yourself there today wondering what shall I do? I think for the baptized believer it means you ask that question openly each day in prayer. God will guide you and sometimes it feels scary...but when you are going where God has opened the door, loving neighbor and God with all your heart it is truly wonderful.
I find myself there this morning..God What shall we do with the team going to Peru in two weeks? We are still short 3460.00. I know logically and spiritually I have done all God has asked me to do. Now I must wait and see how God has planned for this team
I put forth the image of the beautiful cross you see here today.
This was taken in the Colca Canyon of Peru some years ago. That image is set before me and I ask God please What shall we do? God saids Go...My job is to Go; God's job is to prepare the way.
Peace be with you,