Learning about waiting from my dog

I've recently noticed how well my dog waits. He is a Saint Benard and you cannot help but notice him. Yet he patiently waits on me to give him water, food or to let him go outside. He starts by giving me a gentle nudge on the arm. If I don't respond he will sometimes go around in circles and sit back down. After about 10 to 15 minutes he comes back this time with a more urgent nudge follow with a soft bark. If I choose to ignore him still the bark becomes a bit stronger and the nudges a bit more forceful. This works, as I can now no longer concentrate. I go over and get him what he needs. He never complains about this process I would be mad at me!

So it is with me and God, I pray and wait. No answer (or so it seems). I go away and wait. Soon I get to the point where I cannot feel I can wait any longer and I try again by nudging, barking, anything to get an answer. Still one may not come. Is it because I do not recognize the answer? Could be I've been known to tell God what the answer to be! Ahhh, if only I could be more like my dog and wait and be happy with any answer!
