new year new goals

I love goal setting, planning and preparing but sometimes as I am about to achieve my goal I get scared.  I am not sure why but I am sure I am not alone.  Is it because we don't believe we deserve the goal?  Or is it because we have to plan another one?  I am not sure.  So my goals for this year are as follows:
To be ordained in the United Methodist Church
To lose the last 33 pounds to reach my goal weight
To walk/run 1000 miles this year.
To spend more time with my husband
To start New Jerusalem Communities
Okay I think this is a large enough list and there is only so much I can control with these goals.  I will trust God to lead and redirect as needed!  Prayers always appreciated.  That is where I begin the new year.

Feliz Ano Nuevo,
Georgia :)

PS:  This was a book that has helped me achieve and maintain goals!
