Wilderness experiences

This past week we considered the Exodus account of Moses leading the people out of Egypt to the Red Sea. As they faced the Red Sea and Pharaoh's attack there was at least a few moments were terror was experienced. Then as God parted the Sea and they made their journey across the now dry land, the miracle of God's presence had been unfolded in a dramatic way. As I considered their experiences I remembered by own wilderness experiences where I too felt myself between the Red Sea and a situation that was going to kill me. I also remember how I have managed through God's grace to escape in miraculous ways.

The most recent wilderness experience that comes to mind is when we were faced with a choice of having our teenage son's brain tumor surgically removed. It had been growing in the middle of his brain. Even under the best circumstances brain surgery is scary, but in the middle of the brain, how could this be done without him being seriously injured? So I prayed a lot..for wisdom and for hope.

On the day we were scheduled to talk to the surgeon I decided to read the national website about Tuberous Sclerosis (the disease our son has) and see what kind of treatments were going on. There I read about a new medicine they were testing on kids to reduce the brain tumor without surgery! I printed the information and presented it to the surgeon. He was relieved, and so were we. There was a third option and we decided to go for it.

Two years later, one tumor is completely gone another has shrunk 50%. Will this continue to work? What is the long term prognosis? These are things I do not know. But I know I am thankful for God grabbing my hand and leading me across the "Red Sea" to doctors in Ohio.

My friend whatever situation you are in know God hears you and wants to help you across your "Red Sea" to freedom. If you need someone to walk with you, grab my hand and I'll grab God's. Together we can make it.

Peace be with you..


M. Dunham said…
I think that's really interesting. I didn't realize that's how the option of the meds came about. Mom, you need to share things as the come up more with us.